jueves, 23 de julio de 2009

Brazil a project in development 2


The sculpture flourished during in the century 18 and 19 in Brazil. Much of the works included showy religious figures. The Art of Brazil in the century 20 was realised by anonymous artist, but the influence of this work has beeb very strong and the traces can be seen in the styles of the comtemporary Brazilians artists the most. Between the most famous artist are the painter Candido Portinari and his mural executed for the United Nations in New York, in this mural shows these earlier influences.

add to this many of Brazilians artist contemporary taken a own style and one direction very individual and they have received the international recognition. For example Brasilia, the capital has been acclaimed for its precious, showy and beautiful architecture, the chief designer of this master piece was the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer

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